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Release notes 1.39


Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over a week ago

One of the better qualities of PVcase is being able to customize certain elements to a company's standard. This has especially been the case when it comes to labelling of certain project design elements. Therefore, we're very happy to introduce custom labelling for electrical devices which takes the adaptability of PVcase a step further.

Customizable string and device labelling - you can now customize the labels on strings and devices adding prefixes and changing the dividers. Let's have a closer look at some of the main aspects of this.

Labelling per system type - the customizable labelling for a device or string is set per selected system type so you can have different labels for each different system type.

Changing the device label - for the device labels you can change both the prefix and the divider symbol by simply clicking on the label and typing in what you need.

Changing the string label - likewise for the string label you need only to select one of the text numbers and enter the required labelling. (Protip: Use TAB to jump between input fields)

Updating the labelling - once you set the labelling you can hit Update to change all of the existing labels for the entire DWG.

Preset before generation - once you've set a label for a system type it will be taken as the default labelling for any further device generation so you don't need to update it anymore.

Other notable changes:

  • Slope unit selection in layout generation settings - we've added the ability to change the slope units globally in PVcase. You won't need to struggle converting slopes to degrees when trying to match with a manufacturer's datasheet or other.

  • Devices placed outside trackers when corridors enabled - for a more orderly design PVcase will place electrical devices outside a tracker if it happens to be on the corridor.

  • String level color coding by central/transformer - we've changed the string level color coding to be done per central inverter or transformer and not per area as before.

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