In this release:
MPPTs' connections (Advanced cabling) enhancements
When using advanced cabling, in Electrical Desgin modal please select Cabling and then MPPT's connections tab. Firstly, user needs to define the inverter by adding amount of MPPTs per inverter and Inputs per MPPT by clicking plus or minus. After selecting the inverter(s), user needs to select strings that need to be added to this inverter.
When cabling is performed all strings that are connected into one MPPT meet the following criteria: the same Azimuth, the same orientation, the same amount of modules per string, and an identical tilt angle. In addition to this, software searches to connect the closest strings into the same MPPT.
Import the location of Google satellite image
The user is able to work with Google satellite images. Firstly, user needs to click on Settings and select the globe icon. After adding the address or coordintates of the roof location and click 'Enter', user is able to 'Select image from Google satellite'.
Offset from the roof edge
In order to set an offset from the edges of the roof, user needs to go into the roof builder functionality. In the offset field add the needed distance for the offset which will be set automatically after the roof is selected or drawn manually. If the offset is needed only for the one side or one specific side contains wider offset, it is possible to do by selecting 'Select specific', then selecting the needed edge of the building and adding the width of this offset. All is demonstraded below: