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Release notes 2.3


Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over 3 years ago

Passing around DWGs as a utility scale project goes from one design stage to the next is somewhat of an industry standard. To help speed up the process of starting to work off someone else's design we're introducing the ability to convert 3rd party designs to PVcase eligible ones.

Notable changes:

  • Convert block objects and polylines to PVcase tables - you can now convert simple block objects or polylines that represent tables to PVcase tables by selecting a reference point and the type of preset to swap to. The PVcase tables will be placed on top of the old ones so that it's easier to match the design.

  • Isolate command for tables - we're very happy to finally allow to isolate PVcase tables along with other objects for a more convenient design experience. This functionality is currently limited and will not work with lock and fade.

  • Attach DWG when submitting bug report - improving PVcase isn't possible without the help of you - the user. For that reason, we've added the ability to attach the current DWG when reporting a bug with so we can resolve your issue faster.

  • 3D fence length bill of materials - not a huge change but we've added the length of the 3D fence object to be exportable to excel for a more precise cost estimation.

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