Release Notes tell you what’s new in PVcase.
As always, we welcome your feedback and are here to help if you have any questions.
Pole Position
We heard your suggestions about inputting poles on the framework settings tab. To make things easier, we have introduced two options:
Equal Margins – both overhangs will be the same. This makes it easier to distribute the poles evenly, and still end up with the correct overhangs on both ends of the table. By the way, this overhang limit has also been increased over 2 m.
Mirror from middle – you only need to input the poles up to the halfway point. After that, the poles are mirrored along with the table.
Where: this change can be found on the Framework & Park Settings tab, under Frame Creation / Custom Piling for Single-Axis Trackers.
How: just tick the boxes, and you will see the fields below change. The fields will be greyed out and filled automatically depending on your selection.
Tracker Azimuth
The single-axis tracker gives the best yield when oriented north-south. But what if your field shape doesn’t allow it, or the coordinate systems don’t match? Now you can change the azimuth for your tracker layouts, just like the fixed-tilt and east-west framework types.
This change can be found on the Framework & Park Settings tab, under Park Settings for Single-Axis Trackers.
Simply fill in the field with degrees of azimuth as required. The default 0 denotes a standard north-south orientation.
Electrical Labelling Update
You can now use special characters as well as letters in the customizable labeling section. /()?\ are now your friends again, so you can incorporate some fancy nomenclature in your naming conventions.
Speaking of labeling, did you ever wonder exactly where each string is located on the site? We added another column of “Table #” to the BOM. Here you see to which table(s) each electrical string belongs. This is a great help to complete the link between mechanical and electrical designs.