Notable changes:
This release includes a visual and functional overhaul of the layout information window along with changes as to how we interpret indicative frames.
Layout information visual rework - we've changed the visual part of the layout information tab making it easier to read through the information.
Layout information area freezing - created the functionality to freeze tables and objects related to them (except for electrical design) which speeds up AutoCAD's performance.
Layout information select frames - you can also right click on any cell and select all of the frames that belong to that area.
Layout information indicative frame filter - indicative frames will now be counted inside layout information by default and you'll also be able to filter out certain frame types to evaluate how many tables are affected by uneven terrain and in need of grading.
Layout information additional columns and customization - you can now customize the layout information tab with additional columns. The changes you make will automatically save and will be applied to any projects you work on.
Layout information area selection - the software will now memorize selected areas and also allow to number the areas based on area selection order.
Indicative frames always on - in order to allow for future improvements to PVcase the indicative frames will be always turned on as we work towards more improvements to cut down on project design time in the future.
Indicative frame shading - we've changed the way we approach indicative frames by not viewing them as 'faulty' but rather 'valid, but with issues'. These tables will now impact row placement on terrain in terms of keeping a constant shading limit angle (for east-west and fixed-tilt)
Indicative frame electrical design - this last change for the indicative frames is that you're now able to do electrical design on them in order to evaluate potential project capacity after changes to the terrain.
Other changes:
PVcase will number PV areas by selection order inside layout information.
PVcase is now fully compatible with AutoCAD 2021.
Reassign frames or adapt to terrain will now work for simple polylines that are on the PVcase PV area layer.
Don't show this again option for indicative frames prompt.
Improvements to 3D cabling.