Here are a few tips & tricks on how to identify some of the problems you're having & fix them on your own.
Generally it's best to contact us via live-chat or email. Our working hours are 9am - 8pm CEST. We'll do a quick video call and fix any issues you're having.
Try these approaches first:
Click the Reset generation button in Layout generation parameters
Generate a layout in another DWG file.
Generate in 2D first (if there might be a problem with topography).
Copy your PV areas or site survey to a new DWG and test there.
Check the scale (the PV area or site survey has to be in milimeters)
Crash when clicking on the Frame & Park setting.
This usually happens with some computers not having the administrator rights or other Windows security issues with PVcase creating temporary .DWG files. You can turn of the live preview of the Frame & Park settings by entering the command FramePreview.
Scale problem:
The first time you probably open up a new DWG it will be in the wrong scale. Meaning it's gonna be either too small or too large since PVcase currently works on the milimeter scale. While we develop the compatbility with a wide range of metrical and imperial units it's best to always evaluate whether the scale of your site survey is right.
You can change the scale of any drawing by using the command Scale then specifying a base-point and entering the scaling. For instance 1000 to scale from meters to milimeters.
Height measurements not picking up correctly:
There can be a number of reasons for the software not correctly interpreting the topography. PVcase uses the topography indicative objects Elevation parameter. (except for text based height measurements). A lot of the times the elevaton parameter can be incorrectly defined & that may cause issues.
If there's a reason why the software doesn't allow to select the object indicating topography is because it isn't a valid object. Review this page for the current topography compatbility.
Generally when you face problems with the topography not working properly it's best to generate a Topography mesh over the PV area after having selected the measurements and identifying the data validity of problematic areas.
Software not generating in PV areas:
The most probable cause is the scale issue. The PV area or site survey has to be in milimeters.
The Reset generation button which can be found in the Layout generation parameters can also be of help. This resets the algorithm so you can reselect the Topography indicative objects.
You may also try to open up a new DWG and generate there or copy the site survey to a new DWG.
You can also try to redraw your PV area's polyline as the issue might be that there's an error in the area.