This is a detailed guide to convert your drawing files to PVcase Roof Mount. You can use it as a starting point and reference to what is currently possible to convert because the Convert drawing functionality is in an early stage of development.
After you've created a drawing using different tools, convert your existing drawing to Roof Mount so you can dive right into detailed design. You can convert:
- Roofs
- Roof objects
- Modules
If the objects in your files are not compatible with the current capability, stay tuned for future updates.
Step 1: Ensure objects in the file can be converted
For .dwg files, we support specific CAD component properties. If your file contains objects that are not supported, share your feedback here and stay tuned for updates.
Convertible Object Properties | Support from version | Comments | |
Roof | 3D roofs made from polymeshes | 1.41 | If you have a 2D roof, go to Roof Builder and use “Pick roof” |
3D roofs made from 3D polylines | 1.42 | ||
Roof objects | 3D objects made from polymeshes | 1.41 |
If you have a 2D object, go to Roof Builder and use “Pick from .dwg” |
3D objects made from 3D polylines | 1.45 |
Modules | 2D rectangles made from single polyline | 1.41 | |
2D blocks | 1.42 |
Step 2: Convert roofs, shading objects and modules to PVcase Roof Mount
1. From the ribbon menu, go to Convert Drawing.
2. Select .dwg as the drawing type
3. Begin with roof conversion, as having a roof area is crucial for converting roof objects and modules:
- You can limit selection to a specific layer by checking the Limit selection to layer checkbox and selecting a layer.
- Click Pick to convert.
4. Select one or multiple roofs for conversion and press Enter.
5. Convert Roof objects:
a. Select Shading object.
b. You can limit the selection to a specific layer by checking the Limit to layer checkbox and selecting a layer.
c. Click Pick to convert. Select one or multiple roof objects for conversion and press Enter.
6. Convert Modules:
a. Select a module preset with parameters identical to your original drawing's module parameters. If you don't have a preset, click Create preset.
b. Select layout type according to the roof.
c. Select module orientation:
- Use As drawn to auto-detect the orientation from the drawing.
- Use Portrait or Landscape to set a specific orientation for modules.
d. Select how you want the module angle to be calculated:
- Select as drawn (AutoCAD) to auto-detect module angle from .dwg.
- Custom — allows you to enter tilt angle and override auto-detected (as drawn) values.
e. You can limit selection to a specific layer by checking the Limit to layer checkbox and selecting a layer.
f. Click Pick to convert.
g. Select one or multiple modules for conversion and press Enter.
Please ensure the converted modules have the correct tilt angle before moving to the next feature in Roof Mount.
Step 3: Verify your drawing information after conversion
After you convert your drawing to PVcase Roof Mount, verify that all drawing information is converted correctly. Details such as layout, module tilt angle and other parameters can impact your detailed design when they aren't imported correctly.
If something looks off with your converted drawing, like the module's orientation or angle, try these steps:
- Press Ctrl + Z to undo your last action.
- Adjust the settings and try converting again.
If the problem persists, please send us your file and describe the issue you've encountered at or at our live support chat.
Can I use only parts of the solution, for example, only convert modules or only convert shading objects, and then continue to use other features of PVcase Roof Mount?
To convert only shading objects or only modules, you need to have an existing roof already.
How do I know if my roof or roof shading objects are polyface meshes or if my modules are polylines?
There are two ways to check: with the properties panel or with the command line.
Option 1: Properties Panel
- Select the object.
- Go to the Properties panel.
- Check if the Object Type is Polyface Mesh.
Option 2: Command Line
- Select the object.
- Evoke the command LIST.
- Check if the Entity Type is Polyface Mesh.
What should I do if my roof, roof shading objects, or modules are not in the supported format?
If your objects are not in the supported format and you would still like to use the Convert to PVcase Roof Mount feature, please update the object types accordingly. We will be supporting additional object types in the near future, so stay tuned. If you have further questions and would like support on this, please contact our support team at
Can I convert drone data files?
Yes, if your drone supplier is able to clean up the drone data file to the supported object types. At the moment, we do not support the import of raw drone data files or point cloud data.
What if I have a .dxf file?
You can still use the Convert to PVcase Roof Mount feature as long as you re-save the .dxf file as a .dwg and reopen the .dwg file.
Are there roofs that this feature does not support?
Yes, we do not support roofs with ridges; roofs must be planar.
What are polyface meshes?
Learn more from AutoCAD’s support center.
Can I edit the roof after I’ve used Convert to PVcase Roof Mount?
At the moment, it is best not to modify the roof after it has been converted to a PVcase Roof Mount with this feature.